The celebration of National Teacher’s Month at the UP College of Education kicked off with the Grand Opening and Exhibit Launch held last September 13, 2016. Dubbed as Pasinaya 2016, the UP Education Student Council was behind this month-long celebration, which aimed to be one with the world in showing appreciation to teachers for their unwavering service as agents in the development of students.

The celebration formally commenced with a ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dean Marie Therese AP Bustos on September 13. She was assisted by Joe Marie Yapcengco (over-all Project Head & College Representative to the USC), Alain Zedrick Camiling (CESC Culture & the Arts Councilor), and Ms. Wynzyleen Lee (Over-all Deputy Head). The exhibit highlighted various activities of the different areas of the College and the undertakings of the staff and student organizations.


Kick-off Ceremony with Dean Therese, Alain Zendrick Camiling, & Joe Marie Yapcenco

Kick-off Ceremony with Dean Therese, Alain Zendrick Camiling, & Joe Marie Yapcenco

The kick-off event revolved around the theme of Philippine culture and festivals. What better way to capture this than through the featured cultural performances of the UP Kontra-GaPi, UP Filipiniana Dance Group, Salsamba Fusion, Bagong Silang Elementary School, and the college’s Eduk Choir (Echo)!

The UP Kontra GaPi sharing indigenous music

The UP Kontra GaPi sharing indigenous music

Our very own tinikling by the UP Filipiniana Dance Group

Our very own tinikling by the UP Filipiniana Dance Group

Salsamba Fusion giving the audience a dose of a lively samba beat

Salsamba Fusion giving the audience a dose of a lively samba beat

An entertaining dance number from the Bagong Silang Elementary School trio

An entertaining dance number from the Bagong Silang Elementary School trio

Eduk Choir (Echo) serenading the teachers

Eduk Choir (Echo) serenading the teachers

Eduk teachers and students enjoying the Pasinaya 2016 show at the Eduk lobby

Eduk teachers and students enjoying the Pasinaya 2016 show at the Eduk lobby

Faculty and students from Eduk as well as students from other colleges took part in this happy occasion. It was capped with The Grand Pakain, which offered diverse Filipino food.

The Tagisan ng Talino, another Pasinaya 2016 event, was an interactive college-based inter-major quiz bee held on September 15. It was an opportunity for students from different majors to come together and showcase their knowledge of varied disciplines. In each round, the questions proved challenging yet the remaining contestants vied to show their best. In the end, representatives from the Reading Education area were hailed as winners.

Tagisan ng Talino champion: the Reading Education area

Tagisan ng Talino champion: the Reading Education area

Pasinaya 2016 also held a Sign Language Class on September 19, which was offered for free to the entire UP community.

The sign language class during Pasinaya 2016

The sign language class during Pasinaya 2016

World Teacher’s Day, which is commemorated annually every 5th of October, also marked the concluding event of Pasinaya 2016 with a video display at the College of Education lobby. Students and teachers, from within the UP campus and outside, took part in this celebration at the UP College of Education. Even Chancellor Michael Tan joined us in greeting all teachers on this special day!

Chancellor Michael Tan

Chancellor Michael Tan

For more photos on Pasinaya 2016, visit