TO ALL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INCOMING STUDENT TEACHERS (Undergraduate Program) for 2nd Semester 2017-2018, kindly consult with your program area adviser.

Request for an Assessment of your current academic status:

  1. Must have completed all academic requirements
    • Accomplished 6 units of Philippine Studies Requirement (GE)
  2. Must be in good standing
    • no grade of: INC, DROP, 4 or 5 in all required courses
  3. Must not be on MRR status
    • Students on MRR status must have an approved extension

GET YOUR APPLICATION FORM FROM ROOM 200. Look for Nur Tahil. Attach the following documents:

  1. Course Checklist (as assessed by College’s Student Records evaluator and Program Adviser)
  2. Official True Copy of Grades
  3. Other Pertinent requirements regarding student teaching (if any: MRR Approval, certificate of completion for INC, letter of appeal)

Submit completed application to the Student Teaching Coordinator (PROF. LEONOR DIAZ, RM. 200) thru Nur on or before DECEMBER 11, 2017. (*applicants must submit requirements personally)

Under EDUC’S existing policy, only those whose remaining academic load/courses are:

  • EDUC 180 STUDENT TEACHING (8 units)
  • EDUC 181 SENIOR SEMINAR (2 units)

Those with removable 4’s and/or incomplete must remove such deficiencies before applying.

Announcement of Action of the Student Teaching Committee on the Application for Student Teaching: to be posted on the EDUC LOBBY bulletin board.