CALLING ALL Teachers, Educators, Administrators

On May 3-4, 2019, the University of the Philippines College of Education
will hold its first-ever National Conference on STEM Education entitled…

sySTEM UPgrade: Education 4.0
Moving Toward the Future of STEM Education

Date: May 3-4, 2019
Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue: College of Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Registration Fee: ₱ 2,000.00 (inclusive of snacks, meals, shirt, string bag, and conference kit)


Follow the procedures to ensure a successful early registration:

  1. PRE-REGISTER through the link below.
    Registration will be open until March 29, 2019.
  2. STRICTLY FOLLOW the payment procedures and deadline indicated in the Google Form.
  3. SEND a photo or scanned image of your proof of payment to and wait for the confirmation email.

Get connected with us through our official accounts:
Facebook: @UPsySTEMUPgrade
Twitter: @UPsySTEMUPgrade
Instagram: @UPsySTEMUPgrade

or through the following contact persons:
Brian Adams Bugarin – 09260010680
Cherry Ann Orteza – 09277371216
Louel Barcenas – 09479915918
Vivian Viñas – 09972381757

The two-day event features plenary lectures, paper presentations, and workshops that aims to:
(1) provide a platform for open discussions on emergent issues, trends and innovations of STEM education in the country;
(2) facilitate the exchange of insights, research findings, and best practices in STEM education; and
(3) create strong networks among educators in fortifying STEM education.

For interested presenters, follow these SUBMISSION GUIDELINES:

  1. Abstract of not more than 300 words and 3-5 keywords;
  2. Include: title, complete name of authors, office address, institutional affiliation and email address
  3. Send the abstract in document format to with the subject ABSTRACT_

For questions and clarifications, please contact either Paolo Luis Apolinario at 09164953854 or Lester Orpilla at 09126642427.

Access the poster through this link:

Deadline of submissions is on April 5, 2019.

Link of the files for better resolution:

Invitation Letter –

Event Poster –

Call for Abstracts –

Online Registration Form –

Videos –