Manuscripts written in either Filipino or English must be submitted to the Editor. Articles in Filipino must include an English translation of the abstract. All articles will be reviewed using a double blind review procedure. Submitted articles may be accepted, accepted with revision, resubmitted for future issue, or rejected. Articles, along with the critical comments and suggestions of the reviewers and the editorial board’s decision will be sent to the author(s) within two months of submission. The number of authors must be limited to those who substantially contributed to the paper.

The Author(s) should strictly follow the required format listed below in the preparation of the manuscript for submission. Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines shall be automatically returned to the author(s). All authors must have agreed to the article’s submission and publication to the journal. Authors are therefore requested to follow the following guidelines:

Format of the Manuscript

Original paper submitted for publication must not exceed twenty (20) pages, with pages numbered in Arabic numerals, computer generated in Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced (including blocked quotations and end notes, if any), and should contain: title page, abstract, main paper, and reference list.

The title page

It is the first page of the submission and a separate paper from the pages of the manuscript. It contains:

  • Full title of the manuscript
  • Full name(s) of author(s)
  • Author(s)’ institutional affiliation, title, rank
  • Contact information (address, email, landline, mobile number) of the Author(s)
  • Running head of not more than 40 characters including spaces

The first page of the manuscript

It is the next page after the title page. No part of the manuscript should reveal the identity of the author(s) to the reviewers. It contains:

  • Title of the article without the name(s) of the author(s)
  • Double spaced abstract of no more than 150 words containing the purpose, key concepts, findings, and implication of the work
  • No more than six key words


  • Not more than 40 words are enclosed in double quotation marks and incorporated in the text
  • More than 40 words should be presented in a block without quotation marks, except for quotation within a block quotation


  • Use italics for title of books, periodicals, microfilms, journals, genera, species, varieties, technical, key term (e.g. answer such as rarely, occasionally, and never) when it first occurs
  • Statistical symbols, algebraic variables, test scores, and scales

Table, Figure, Graphs, and Diagrams

  •  Must be labeled and numbered properly as they appear in the article
  •  Must be computer generated or laser printed
  •  Must be appended to the article (after the references) and must be indicated in the text where it should be inserted in bold capital letters

Reference Listing

The latest APA (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.) style of notation and reference listing will be used for all submission.

Responsibilities and duties of the contributors

The claims, information, or arguments in the published articles are the responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the editorial board and the U.P. College of Education. It is the responsibility of the contributors to secure permission to reprint certain parts (e.g. illustrations, graphs) of the copyrighted works. Articles already published in other journals should not be submitted for evaluation in the Education Quarterly. Also, contributors must not to submit their articles for consideration while they are being evaluated for publication in another journal.

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Visit home for more information.

Submission of the Manuscript

Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter stating the intention of the author(s), and that the manuscript is original, neither published previously nor under consideration in another journal.

Manuscripts may be submitted via email to:

Education Quarterly
College of Education
University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, 1101
