
Abstract Submission

1. Deadline for submission of abstracts (250 – 300 words) via email is on August 16, 2015. You will be notified of acceptance by August 30, 2015.

2. All submissions should:

– be in Arial or Times Roman Font, Size 12

– summarize the important points of the proposed presentation and contain an outline of the objective/s, methodology, results and conclusions of the research undertaken

– not include tables, figures or references

– be written in paragraph form

3. Please submit your abstract proposal using the NCRTE 2015 Abstract Submission Form.  If you have concerns about your submissions, please email :

4. All accepted research papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

You can submit up to two (2) proposals on any of the following strands:


1. Qualification Landscape –  standards, practices, and policies in adopting to the changes ensued by ASEAN integration

– Quality Assurance and Mutual Recognition of Qualifications

– Regional and National Qualification Framework

– Qualification and Certification practices

– Pathways and Equivalencies

– Promotion and Regulation of Profession

– Career Guidance

2. Education for Sustainable Development – strategies, initiatives, practices and trends in the improvement of, and resource generation, allocation and utilization for education

– Public-Private Partnership

– Academic entrepreneuralism

– Environmental and Health Education

– Pedagogical Approaches to Education

– School based management (or Decentralization of Education)

– Essential skills in teaching and learning process

– Competencies of 21st Century Educational Leaders, Administrators, and Managers

3.  Comparative Education and International Education – trajectories, realities, and prospects in teacher education through international and intercultural research.

– Critical Issues in Teacher Education

– Area Studies, Cross-national Studies in Teacher Education

– Intercultural Understanding

– Exchange programs

– Educational Institutions’ Credit Transfer Scheme

– Multiculturalism

– International Alignment of Courses Among Universities

4. ICT in Education – best practices in the use of technology in teaching and learning

– Digital Citizenship

– e-Learning

– Blending Learning Environment

– Gamification

– New media emerging technologies

– Professional learning networks

5. National Identity vis-à-vis ASEAN Identity – diversity and dynamics of ASEAN cultures towards harmony and synergy

– Filipino identity in the ASEAN community

– ASEAN identity

– Citizenship and Democratic Education

– Education and the Law

– Values Education

6. Assessment and Evaluation in Education– trends, policies, prospects in assessment and evaluation in education

– Classroom Assessment Practices

– Test and Instrument Development and Validation

– Sociometric and Non-Sociometric Techniques in Guidance

– Assessment of Professions and Professional competence

– Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs

– Monitoring and evaluation of the practice of the profession

– Evidence based research on/for ASEAN integration