Attention: College of Education Batch 2020, 2021, and 2022

Batch 2020 – Graduates of MY 2019, 1st Sem 2019-2020, and 2nd Sem 2019-2020

Batch 2021 – Graduates of MY 2020, 1st Sem 2020-2021, and 2nd Sem 2020-2021

Batch 2022 – Graduates of MY 2021, Candidates for graduation for 1st Sem 2021-2022 and 2nd Sem 2021-2022

Please be informed that the Parangal 2022 (College Recognition Rites) initially scheduled for July 29, 2022 is moved to October 22, 2022 (per College Faculty Assembly held on June 20, 2022).

The plan for this year’s Parangal, which is still subject to the approval of authorities, is to hold a face-to-face program. This program will also be streamed on Zoom. Because of the need to adhere to protocols that aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the number of those who will physically attend the activity will be limited. A separate advisory on pre-registration will be released soon. 

For graduates/students whose UP email address have been deactivated or for those who wish to update their contact details, please provide us with your active email addresses and other details by answering this link by 5 p.m. of June 28, 2022.

Please check the College website and social media platforms for further announcements.

Thank you very much.