These are the schedules and Zoom meeting details of the orientations on limited face-to-face classes and activities starting this Semester 1 of AY 2022-2023:

July 7, 2022 (THU)  Graduate students under DELPS  Dr. Vinluan  6-7PMLorelei Vinluan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: DELPS Orientation for limited Face to Face classes and activities Time: Jul 7, 2022 06:00 PM Asia/Manila   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 976 3716 1280 Passcode: 11923467  
July 8, 2022 (FRI)    Graduate students under DCI – Educational Foundations, Curriculum Studies, and Non-formal Education (EDFD-CS-NFE)Dr. Cauyan6-7PMTopic: Grad Students’ Orientation for Limited Face-to-Face Classes (EDFD-EDCS) Time: Jul 8, 2022 06:00 PM Singapore   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 932 2777 0287 Passcode: 11991706
July 8, 2022 (FRI)     Graduate students under DCI – Health, Science, and Social Studies EducationAsst. Prof. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic:’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jul 8, 2022 06:00 PM Asia/Manila
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 7349 7416
Passcode: F2FHMSSS
July 8, 2022 (FRI)     Graduate students under DCI- Reading, Early Grades, Art Education, and Language Education (REGALE)Asst. Prof. Morallo6-7PMTopic: REGALE Face-to-Face Activities Orientation
Time: Jul 8, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 933 4609 8270
Passcode: 64173752
July 8, 2022 (FRI)     Graduate students under DCI – Special EducationDr. Magtoto6-7PMFrances Magtoto is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 5521 7783
Passcode: 47263692
July 9, 2022 (SAT)All undergraduate students and parentsDr. Magtoto

Dr. Vinluan

Asst. Prof. Zamora

Mr. Noguera
10AM- 12NNTopic: Orientation for Undergraduate Students and Parents regarding limited Face to Face classes and activities

Time: Jul 9, 2022 10:00 AM Asia/Manila

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 975 5429 3650
Passcode: 96747852