Application for Advance Credit

Important Reminders:

  1. Units earned from a previous program may be transferred to a new one provided that:
    • they involve courses that are part of the new program.
    • they were earned within the last five (5) years prior to the change of program.
  2. Note that a semester is deducted from the regular residence period for every 9 units of advance credit.


  1. The student writes a letter of request addressed to the College Secretary, Frances Olivia M. Magtoto, Ph.D., to credit subjects from a previous program to the current one.
    Note: The student needs to specify in the letter which subjects are to be credited.
  2. The student emails to his/her Program Adviser the letter and other supporting documents. The Program Adviser endorses the request by affixing his/her e-signature on the letter.
  3. The student emails to the concerned Division Chair the letter and other supporting documents. The Division Chair endorses the request by affixing his/her e-signature on the letter.
  4. The Office of the Division Chair forwards all documents (letter, Program of Study, True Copy of Grades) to the Office of the College Secretary (OSec): with subject Advance credit_Surname, Name (e.g., Advance credit_Dela Cruz, Juan)
  5. The OSec processes the request. Once approved, the Advance Credit Form is sent to the student for him/her to accomplish.
  6. The student emails the Advance Credit Form to the Program Adviser for signature.
  7. The student emails the Advance Credit Form to the concerned Division Chair for signature.
  8. The student emails the Advance Credit Form to the Office of the College Secretary (OSec): with subject Advance credit form_Surname, Name (e.g., Advance credit form_Dela Cruz, Juan) for signature.
  9. The OSec emails the Advance Credit Form to the Dean’s Office for signature.
  10. The OSec sends the Advance Credit Form to the Office of the University Registrar.
  11. The student waits for the copy with the stamped remarks, “received” from the Office of the University Registrar.