Application for LOA

Important reminders:

  1. Undergraduate students who are below 18 years of age need to submit a letter of consent from their parents to the College for their applications to be approved. 
  2. Unless they settle their deficiencies first, the following students cannot apply for LOA:
    1. students with unpaid classes,
    2. students with unfinished Change of Matriculation (COM) applications,
    3. students with unpaid dropping applications,
    4. students with unpaid Residence application, and
    5. non-academically eligible students.
  3. Students with accountabilities can still apply for LOA, although their applications cannot be approved until their accountabilities have been settled or waived.
  4. A student must pay the LOA fee (currently 150.00) in order to be considered officially on leave. Approved LOA extensions, however, are exempt from this fee.
  5. Only a maximum of 1 year can be applied for LOA at a time. This translates to 2 consecutive terms for Regular students.
  6. A student can extend his/her previous LOA application for a maximum of 1 year. The clause above still applies for extensions.
  7. Regular students cannot apply for LOA for their midyear terms.
  8. A student can only be continuously on leave for a maximum of two (2) years. This translates to a maximum of 4 terms for Regular students.
  9. A student on LOA needs to be readmitted on or before its approved period ends; otherwise, he/she would be considered AWOL.
  10. Students officially on leave cannot participate in registration activities (e.g., preenlistment, e-prerog, changemat, dropping). They must be readmitted first before they can register again.
  11. Students with lapsing 4.0 and/or INC grades who are officially on leave will not be able complete or remove those grades. They must be readmitted in order for them to complete or remove their 4.0 or INC.
  12. The no. of semester(s) an undergraduate student applied for LOA, will be counted against in the no. of eligible semester(s) that an undergraduate student qualified for RA 10931 or The Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act.
  13. It is the responsibility of the student to inform his/her instructors and home unit of his/her intention to be officially on leave.

Steps for online LOA application:

  1. A student who wishes to be officially on leave must submit his/her application on or before the set deadline. Any unpaid LOA application may be cancelled any time. The student is considered officially on leave upon completion of the whole process. 
  2. The student informs the instructor of the course about his/her application. The instructor needs to submit the standing of the student for the student’s LOA application to progress. An enrolled student must submit his/her application during or after midterm date.
    • Note: A student who is not enrolled but who wish to file for LOA proceeds to the next step.
  3. The student must inform his/her Program that s/he is ready for advising. The student must secure his/her Program Adviser’s approval for the application to proceed. The Program Adviser should give his/her approval through CRS.
  4. The student must inform the Division Chair that his/her application is ready for endorsement. The Division Chair should give his/her approval through CRS.
  5. The Office of the College Secretary will process the College Scholastic Encoding and Approval Endorsement.
    Note: An undergraduate student needs to submit a letter of consent from his/her parents for his/her application to be approved.
  6. The LOA application will automatically queue for approval in the “LOA
    Approval” module under the CRS account of the Dean. The student must follow-up with the Dean’s Office regarding his/her LOA application.
  7. If the student’s status is already “for payment”, student may create his/her own Payment Slip using the “Settlement of Outstanding Transaction” module in his/her CRS account. The student must pay the amount/complete the process so that s/he is officially on leave.

Note: If the LOA process is already complete, the student, the college and the OUR may print their own copies of the approved LOA forms through their respective modules (i.e., Documents Printing module for the colleges and Settlement of Outstanding Transactions module for the students).

Updated as per OUR Memorandum MVPLO 2020-13

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