
Application for Graduate Studies for Second Semester 2022-2023

Application for Graduate Studies for Second Semester 2022-2023

Deadline of application: August 29, 2022 (Monday)
Visit the following links for more information:

Graduate programs:
List of requirements and application procedures:

NOTE: Submissions with inaccurate and incomplete requirements will not be processed. Information
specified in all submitted documents should be true and accurate. Inaccurate information in official
documents is considered an offense.

Attention: All UP CEd Students | June 28, 2022


WHEREAS the results of the Remote Student Council Elections held last 02 -16 May 2022 elected winners for the following positions: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, College Representative to the USC, and five (5) councilors.

WHEREAS the College Student Council has four (4) vacancies for the Councilor position.

WHEREAS the College Student Council requested the College Student Electoral Board (CSEB) in a letter dated 09 June 2022 to call for a special election so that the vacant positions can be filled.

WHEREAS the College Student Electoral Board discussed the matter during its online meeting held 24 June 2022.

RESOLVED, that interested candidates can file their certificates of candidacy from 28 June – 05 July 2022.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that if there are four or more eligible candidates (as assessed by the Office of the College Secretary and verified and approved by the CSEB), the special election via the HALALAN platform will push through.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that if the special election pushes through, the attached 2022 CEd Student Council Special Election Calendar of Activities will be followed.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that to maximize University resources, if there are three or less eligible candidates (as assessed by the Office of the College Secretary and verified and approved by the CSEB), the election will be conducted among the Board of Representatives (BOR) from the different College organizations. The College Student Council will facilitate this process.

APPROVED on 24 June 2022.


ROMYLYN A. METILA (Sgd)                                   RACHEL PATRICIA B. RAMIREZ (Sgd)

Faculty Representative                                                  Faculty Representative

KIMBERLY P. FLORENDO (Sgd)                             SHAIRA MAE M. AGTING (Sgd)

Student Representative (Graduate)                                 Student Representative (Undergraduate)

JACLYN MARIE L. CAUYAN (Sgd)                         FRANCES OLIVIA M. MAGTOTO (Sgd)

Ex-Officio Chair                                                           Incoming Ex-Officio Chair

Outgoing College Secretary                                           Incoming College Secretary

(effective 01 July 2022)

Filing of Candidacy for College of Education Student Council Special Election

Period: 28 June – 05 July 2022

  1. Positions: 4 councilors (elected-at-large)
  1. Qualifications:

Every candidate for the CSEC, must:

  1. be a bona fide student of the College of Education (officially enrolled during the 2nd Semester 2021-2022);
  2. be in academically good standing in the College (as of 2nd Semester 2021-2022);
  3. carry the normal load prescribed in the College (as of 2nd Semester 2021-2022);
  4. not have been found guilty of any disciplinary action in the College or the University;
  5. still have two (2) or more semesters to enroll in the College.*

Note: In case the candidate does not meet the qualification/s “a” and/or “c,” a certification duly signed by the College Secretary (or authorized representative), that they are currently taking academic units during the semester of the election should be secured.

*Candidate/s has/ have the intention to enroll in the next Academic Year to be able to serve (if they get elected).

  1. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers: Please access the UP CEd Student Council Constitution:
  1. Documents/Requirements to be submitted:
  2. Duly accomplished Certificate of Candidacy (USEB Form 1)
  3. Duly accomplished Personal Information Sheet (USEB Form 2)
  4. A political party/Individual platform (General and Specific Program of Action)
  5. Office for Student Ethics Clearance/Certification of No Pending Case (To request:
  6. OASH Certification of No Pending Case (To be requested by the College from OASH)

*Download the forms here.

**Political parties should file the candidacy of the students running under its slate.

Provided, that these parties can only file one certificate of candidacy for each

position in the College Student Council.

***Please take note that processing of academic, residency, and conduct eligibility

 (on USEB Form 1) of prospective candidates will be facilitated by the Office of

the College Secretary.

Submit all documents to the Office of the College Secretary: on or before 5pm of 05 July 2022.

  • Documents regarding University/College Student Council Elections can be downloaded here.

2022 CEd Student Council Special Election Calendar of Activities

Note: Special election through the HALALAN platform will be conducted if there are four or more eligible candidates (as assessed by the OSEC and verified and approved by the CSEB). If there are three or less eligible candidates (as assessed by the Office of the College Secretary and verified and approved by the CSEB), the election will be conducted among the Board of Representatives (BOR) from the different College organizations. The College Student Council will facilitate this process.

Election Period
28 June (Tues)Online (email, FB and website)Start of filing of certificates of candidacy   Prospective candidates should request from the Office of Student Ethics for certificates of no pending case  
05 July (Tues), 5PM  Online: OSec emailDeadline of filing of certificates of candidacy  
06 July (Wed)OnlineOSec to conduct Academic, Conduct, and Residency eligibility and Request for Clearance from OASH
07 July (Thu)Zoom     Online/Social Media     Online: OSec emailCSEB deliberation on the certificates of candidacy   Release of the first official list of candidates     Start of filing of protests on candidates
08 July (Fri), afternoonZoomCSEB meeting with party representatives and independent candidates to explain guidelines and schedule of election
12 July (Tues), no later than 12noon   12 July (Tues), 5pm onwardsOnline: OSec emailDeadline of filing of protests on candidates     CSEB meeting to act on protests, if any; and to approve official ballot   Release of the final official list of candidates
15 July (Fri), 12 noon        Online: OSec emailDeadline for submission of campaign materials for posting, printing, and mailing to students w/out internet access      
18 July (Mon) – 24 July (Sun)Online campaign   Zoom     Website and FB pageOfficial campaign period   Online classroom campaign in lieu of RTR campaign   Start of Publicity Campaigns
 Via ZoomHalalan Technical Training and encoding of electors and candidates by CSEB’s Halalan technical staff
24 July (Sun); 11:59 PMEnd of Campaign Period Last day of posting of online campaign materials  
25 July (Mon), 8am to 31 July (Sun), 6pmSpecial College Student Council Elections
31 July (Sun), 7 pm onwardsZoomCanvassing of Votes/ Proclamation of Winners
01 Aug (Mon)Official announcement/transmittal of election results to OSPA
02 Aug (Tues) – 04 Aug (Thu), not later than 12noonOnline: OSec emailFiling of post-election protests, if any
05 Aug (Fri)ZoomCSEB to deliberate on post-election protests, if any

Attention: College of Education Batch 2020, 2021, and 2022

Attention: College of Education Batch 2020, 2021, and 2022

Batch 2020 – Graduates of MY 2019, 1st Sem 2019-2020, and 2nd Sem 2019-2020

Batch 2021 – Graduates of MY 2020, 1st Sem 2020-2021, and 2nd Sem 2020-2021

Batch 2022 – Graduates of MY 2021, Candidates for graduation for 1st Sem 2021-2022 and 2nd Sem 2021-2022

Please be informed that the Parangal 2022 (College Recognition Rites) initially scheduled for July 29, 2022 is moved to October 22, 2022 (per College Faculty Assembly held on June 20, 2022).

The plan for this year’s Parangal, which is still subject to the approval of authorities, is to hold a face-to-face program. This program will also be streamed on Zoom. Because of the need to adhere to protocols that aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the number of those who will physically attend the activity will be limited. A separate advisory on pre-registration will be released soon. 

For graduates/students whose UP email address have been deactivated or for those who wish to update their contact details, please provide us with your active email addresses and other details by answering this link by 5 p.m. of June 28, 2022.

Please check the College website and social media platforms for further announcements.

Thank you very much.

Reminders: Important Dates/Deadlines | 17 June 2022

Please be reminded of the following dates/deadlines (as of June 17, 2022, 11am):

1. Start of classes this Midyear: June 20, 2022

2. Last day of withdrawal of enlistment for those who will not pursue their registration this Midyear 2022: June 20, 2022

Please refer to this link:

3. Deadline for Change of Matriculation (complete process with payment): June 24, 2022     

Please refer to this link for the steps:

4. Deadline of Payment (for paying students): June 24, 2022

5.Deadline for students to file their application for graduation as of the end of Midyear 2022: June 28, 2022

To apply for graduation, please visit:

For your information and guidance, please.