
Last Day of Payment for 2nd Semester AY 2021-2022

Please be reminded that the last day of payment for 2nd Semester 2021-2022 registration/enrollment is on March 15, 2022.

For students who have not yet paid their matriculation fees, please take note of the following links provided by the UPD Cash Office through their FB Page:

For students who have already paid but are still waiting for validation, please take note of the link provided by the UPD Cash Office through their FB Page:

Kindly note that validation of payment is processed by the UPD Cash Office, so please direct your concerns to the said office. You may reach them through their FB page or email:

Please be guided accordingly.

2022 Search for the Next College of Education Dean: Schedule of Public Forum and Interviews

Please be reminded of the Public Forum in relation to the Search for the Next Dean of the College of Education, UP Diliman, tomorrow, 01 March 2022 (Tuesday), at 3:00PM. If you have not registered yet, kindly do so through:

The Search Committee also encourages CEd stakeholders to actively participate in the stakeholder interviews happening later this week. Please find the schedule below.

Wednesday (02 March)9:00AM – 12:00PM (Faculty) | 2:00 – 5:00 PM (Staff)

Thursday (03 March)9:00AM – 12:00PM (Students) | 2:00 – 5:00 PM (Alumni)

Friday (04 March)9:00AM – 12:00PM (for those not accommodated in the earlier schedules)

To get the Zoom link to the interview schedules, kindly accomplish the Stakeholders Survey Form:

You may email for inquiries. Thank you very much.

Reminders from the Office of the College Secretary (OSec) | February 28, 2022

Reminders from the Office of the College Secretary
February 28, 2022

Extension of Residence

Following OVPAA Memorandum No. 2022-09, which states that Maximum Residence Rule (MRR) remains suspended for the Second Semester 2021-2022, the submission of appeals for extension of residence is likewise suspended. Thus, students (undergraduate and graduate) who are supposed to submit letters requesting an extension of residence (on March 11 for Midyear 2022 enrollment and on May 6 for 1st Semester 2022-2023 enrollment) are NOT required to do so anymore.

Readmission from AWOL

Students who are on AWOL status this Second Semester 2021-2022 or earlier and wish to continue with their enrollment in Midyear 2022 or First Semester 2022-2023 should submit their appeals for readmission on or before March 11 (for MY 2022) or May 6 (for 1st Semester 2022-2023). Please refer to this link for more information:

Return from LOA

Students who are on LOA status this Second Semester 2021-2022 or earlier and wish to continue with their enrollment in Midyear 2022 should submit their application for return from LOA on or before May 11. The deadline for 1st Semester 2022-2023 readmission is to be announced. Please refer to this link for more information:

2022 Search for Next UP CEd Dean: Announcement of Schedule of Public Forum

The Search Committee for the Deanship of the UP Diliman College of Education invites the UP community to a public forum via Zoom at 3:00 p.m. on March 1, 2022, Tuesday.

Interested members of the community may register via this link: You may email for inquiries.

The public forum will feature a report of the incumbent College of Education Dean, Jerome T. Buenviaje, Ph.D., and the presentation of the nominee(s) for the position.

This public forum is an important opportunity for stakeholders to listen to the plan and vision of the nominee(s) for the deanship and raise questions and concerns over issues that affect them.