
Application for Student Teaching for First Semester 2020-2021



for 1st Semester 2020-2021

     Kindly consult with your program area adviser for an assessment of your current academic status:

  1. Must have completed all academic requirements
    • Accomplished 6 units of Philippine Studies Requirement (GE)
  2. Must be in good standing
    • no grade of: INC, DROP, 4 or 5 in all required courses
  3. Must not be on MRR status
    • Students on MRR status must have an approved extension
  4. Must have accomplished necessary substitution forms

Access YOUR APPLICATION FORM from this link:

Attach the following documents :

  1. Course Checklist (as assessed by College’s Student Records evaluator and Program Adviser)
    1. Those with student no: 2012-2017): Download your course checklist from
    2. Those with student no: 2011 or below :Secure your course checklist from your Program Adviser.
    3. Accomplish the course checklist. Email duly accomplished course checklist to Program Adviser for checking.
    4. The Program Adviser checks the course checklist. S/he sends the course checklist to the College Student Records Evaluator, Mr. Jonathan Terante at with a short message certifying that s/he has checked the entries.
    5. The Student Records Evaluator verifies all information written in the course checklist. He affixes his e-signature on the document and sends the document back to the student.
  2. Official True Copy of Grades:
  3. Other Pertinent requirements regarding student teaching (if any: MRR Approval, certificate of completion for INC, letter of appeal)
    • *MRR approval :You should have submitted your documents during the application period. A copy of the decision is given you. If by any chance, you do not have a copy of this, write the OSec to request for it.
    • *Certificate of Completion for INC : A completion form is generated through CRS by the Department or Home Unit
  4. An additional health requirement (announcement on this as soon as this is finalized)

Submit completed application to the Student Teaching Coordinator (Prof. Leonor Diaz at on or before August 15, 2020.


Under the policy of the College of Education, only those whose remaining academic load/courses are:

  • EDUC 180  STUDENT TEACHING                   (8 units)
  • EDUC 181  SENIOR SEMINAR                       (2 units)

Those with removable 4’s and/or incomplete must remove such deficiencies before applying.

**Announcement of Action of the Student Teaching Committee on the Application for Student Teaching will be sent to your email.

Advisory from the Office of the College Secretary (July 10, 2020)

The Office of the College Secretary will be closed from July 13-17, 2020. There will be no face-to-face transactions during this period. Please transact with us through the following email addresses:


We will do our best to attend to your concerns despite the limitations and challenges brought about by this health crisis and alternative work arrangement. We likewise appeal for your understanding and patience as response time might be delayed. 

For more information, please visit:

Thank you very much. Stay safe. 

Parangal 2020 Student Survey

Hello Batch 2020!

Please check your email today. An email was sent about the survey for the holding of the Parangal Ceremony. Kindly answer the survey by 7 July 2020 (Tuesday) at 11:59 pm.

Other graduation-related announcements will also be sent to your email.

Thank you.

Midyear 2020 Registration Important Reminders

  1. Registration period: June 29 – 30, 2020 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  2. The College will be offering EDSP 107 for MY 2020. Students who need to enroll for Residence or in EDUC 300/400 may do so.
  3. Midyear registration activities will be ONLINE.
  4. Read the CEd Registration Flowchart for more information on procedures.
  5. For students who will enroll for residence or EDUC 300/400, the Office of the College Secretary (OSec) will need to verify student records first before enlistment. Students may be asked to submit additional documents online.
  6. There will be no payment of fees at the Cashier’s Office. All payments will either be through online fund transfer or Landbank facility or over-the-counter. Detailed payment instructions can be found in the student’s CRS account.
  7. Students will no longer sign their Form5 for the Data Privacy Assent and Student Pledge. The assent and pledge will now be online via the students’ CRS account.
  8. The printing of Form 5 is optional.