
National Conference on Research in Teacher Education (NCRTE) 2015: Call for Papers


Abstract Submission

1. Deadline for submission of abstracts (250 – 300 words) via email is on August 16, 2015. You will be notified of acceptance by August 30, 2015.

2. All submissions should:

– be in Arial or Times Roman Font, Size 12

– summarize the important points of the proposed presentation and contain an outline of the objective/s, methodology, results and conclusions of the research undertaken

– not include tables, figures or references

– be written in paragraph form

3. Please submit your abstract proposal using the NCRTE 2015 Abstract Submission Form.  If you have concerns about your submissions, please email :

4. All accepted research papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

You can submit up to two (2) proposals on any of the following strands:


1. Qualification Landscape –  standards, practices, and policies in adopting to the changes ensued by ASEAN integration

– Quality Assurance and Mutual Recognition of Qualifications

– Regional and National Qualification Framework

– Qualification and Certification practices

– Pathways and Equivalencies

– Promotion and Regulation of Profession

– Career Guidance

2. Education for Sustainable Development – strategies, initiatives, practices and trends in the improvement of, and resource generation, allocation and utilization for education

– Public-Private Partnership

– Academic entrepreneuralism

– Environmental and Health Education

– Pedagogical Approaches to Education

– School based management (or Decentralization of Education)

– Essential skills in teaching and learning process

– Competencies of 21st Century Educational Leaders, Administrators, and Managers

3.  Comparative Education and International Education – trajectories, realities, and prospects in teacher education through international and intercultural research.

– Critical Issues in Teacher Education

– Area Studies, Cross-national Studies in Teacher Education

– Intercultural Understanding

– Exchange programs

– Educational Institutions’ Credit Transfer Scheme

– Multiculturalism

– International Alignment of Courses Among Universities

4. ICT in Education – best practices in the use of technology in teaching and learning

– Digital Citizenship

– e-Learning

– Blending Learning Environment

– Gamification

– New media emerging technologies

– Professional learning networks

5. National Identity vis-à-vis ASEAN Identity – diversity and dynamics of ASEAN cultures towards harmony and synergy

– Filipino identity in the ASEAN community

– ASEAN identity

– Citizenship and Democratic Education

– Education and the Law

– Values Education

6. Assessment and Evaluation in Education– trends, policies, prospects in assessment and evaluation in education

– Classroom Assessment Practices

– Test and Instrument Development and Validation

– Sociometric and Non-Sociometric Techniques in Guidance

– Assessment of Professions and Professional competence

– Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs

– Monitoring and evaluation of the practice of the profession

– Evidence based research on/for ASEAN integration


The Office of the College Secretary announced that the office will receive applications for readmission from Leave of Absence (LOA) and Absence without Leave (AWOL) and extension of residence meant to take effect Midyear 2015 and First Semester 2015-2016 only up to March 27, 2015 and April 17, 2015, respectively. Concerned students are advised to attend to this matter as soon as possible to qualify for enrollment in Midyear 2015/First Semester 2015-2016. Please read/download the memo.

Important Announcement!

Dear Eduk Students,

Please take note of this notice from the University  Registrar.

“Students whose waiver and extension of MRR has been approved until Summer 2014, will have to officially request to have it extended till end of the Midyear term (JUNE AND JULY 2013-2014).” More


The UPCEAA invites you to attend the UP College of Education Grand Alumni
Homecoming on the 26th of June 2011, Sunday, at the Bahay ng Alumni (along Magsaysay Avenue, behind the University Theatre) starting at 1:00 in the afternoon.

This year we are honouring the following:
1) JUBILARIANS (Diamond, 1951; Golden, 1961; Ruby, 1971; Silver,
College of Education;
3) ALL ALUMNI AND FACULTY of the College.


Application for MRR extension, readmission from LOA/AWOL is now open.

The UP College of Education recently announced that it will receive applications for extension of residence and readmission from leave of absence (LOA) and absence without leave (AWOL) meant to take effect Summer 2014 and First Semester of AY 2014-2015 only up to January 31, 2014 and March 28, 2014, respectively. Concerned students are advised to attend to this matter as soon as possible to qualify for enrollment on April 2014/First Semester 2014-2015. More