
CEd, NISMED, UPIS identify 7 key areas in next 3 years

The College of Education (CEd), the National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED), and the UP Integrated School (UPIS) have identified seven areas which they can address to improve their services and cooperation in the next three years.

In the UPCEd Roadmapping for 2022-2025 held at the First Pacific Leadership Academy on June 21-22, 2022, CEd, NISMED, and UPIS identified these seven priority areas in formulating their projects and programs in the next three years: collaboration, professional development and stakeholders’ wellbeing, resource management, standardization of systems and procedures, networks and linkages, research, and academic program development.

These seven priorotiy areas were identified following a presentation and analysis of the iAADS results which showed the performance of the Division of Curriculum and Instruction (DCI) and the Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services (DELPS) in a number of key indicators.

Aside from the iAADS results, the targets of the different offices and committees also guided the identification of the said priority areas.

Following the workshop, the different offices and committees of the tri-unit were then asked to craft their respective action plans which would detail how they would contribute to the aim of addressing the seven gaps. Some teams presented their action plans based on the discussions in the workshop.

The workshop was facilitated by Dean Jerome T. Buenviaje together with the College Quality Assurance (QA) team led by Dr. Joel C. Javiniar, the College QA officer; Prof. Jon Paul Maligalig, DELPS QA; Prof. Hazel Ramirez, DCI QA.

Dr. Javiniar also explained the rationale of the workshop while the division QA officers presented the iAADs results.

CEd, NISMED, and UPIS offices and standing committees participated and contributed in the said workshop.

New CESC officers assume office

A new set of officers of the College of Education Student Council for academic year 2022-2023 took their oaths of office in a virtual ceremony in May.

In an online Oath-Taking and Turnover Ceremony of CESC Officers on May 31, 2022, CESC Chairperson Kenneth Angelo Noguera officially assumed leadership of the council, taking over from outgoing Chairperson Acel Mackenzie Patricio.

College of Education Dean Jerome T. Buenviaje, Ph.D. administered the oath of office of the incoming officers. College Secretary Jaclyn Marie L. Cauyan, Ph.D. also attended the event.

In their brief remarks during the ceremony, Dean Buenviaje and Secretary Cauyan thanked and praised the incoming and outgoing officers for accepting the challenge of serving the College of Education and the University of the Philippines despite the challenging times.

The College and the University are both in a transition period to limited face-to-face activities in the next academic year following instructional adjustments implemented by authorities brought about by the once-in-a-century COVID-19 pandemic.

Dean Buenviaje also emphasized that their service to the College and the University should not end with the expiration of their terms.

Aside from Noguera, the other incoming officers of the CESC are: Crichelle Anne Mariel Yambao (Vice Chairperson); Bernard Brian Bejo (Eduk Representative to the USC); and councilors Diane Nicole Fernandez, Jullia Claire  Matienzo, Denise Franchesca Dipol, Julia Maria Ladrera, and Regino Cabigao.

They are replacing the following officers for AY 2021-2022: Isabella Julia Ermita (Vice Chairperson); Bernard Brian Bejo (EDUK Representative to the USC); Lila Yin Decena (EDUK Representative to the UFC); and councilors Chillryon Keana Baluyot, Elowin Kue, Tristan Floyd Rafa, Sophia Noelle Tubo, and Crichelle Anne Mariel Yambao.

Dr. Trinidad Baldo (September 26, 1938-October 3, 2021)

The UP College of Education is in deep sadness to inform everyone that Dr. Trinidad Baldo (September 26, 1938-October 3, 2021) has joined her Creator due to natural causes. We remember her to be a well-loved professor, mentor and colleague, and one of the pillars of Special Education in the country. In lieu of flowers and cards, her family is requesting prayers and mass offerings.

Rest in peace, Ma’am Trining.

UP CED Participates in TalkTogether Virtual Round Table Discussion on Child-Directed Language Corpora

The UP College of Education participates in the TalkTogether Virtual Round Table Discussion on Child-Directed Language Corpora entitled “Child-Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource.”

Held last June 30 to July 2, 2021, the three-day virtual round table was chaired by esteemed scholars on language and literacy. The objective of the virtual round table was to understand the promise of child-directed print corpora for experimental studies and child language assessment as well as its implications for researchers, practitioners, and curriculum developers.  The first round table was on “Child Language Print Corpora and Child Language Assessment,” which was chaired by TalkTogether’s Principal Investigator, Sonali Nag  of the University of Oxford. The second, on the topic “Child Language Print Corpora and Experimental Research,” was chaired by Jelena Mirkovic of the York St. John University.  The third day on “Children Language Print Corpora and Children’s Materials”  was chaired by UP College of Education Professor and TalkTogether Co-Investigator, Dina Ocampo.  

TalkTogether is a multi-country project made possible by an award from the UK Research & Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI-GCRF Collective Fund). The wider aim of the project is to develop contextualized early years interventions to support oral language development, and thereby boost children’s literacy learning trajectories.

The Philippine team of TalkTogether is composed of faculty and researchers from the UP College of Education Reading, Early Grades, Art, and Language Education (REGALE) cluster, UP College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Department of Linguistics, UP College of Arts and Letters Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature, UP College of Allied Medical Professions, and UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies-Education Research Program. They co-authored and presented papers on child-directed corpora as bases for analyzing cross-linguistic lexical properties, morphological analysis, age-of-acquisition ratings, as well as book levelling and text complexity in Filipino and Kannada. Paper authors were Portia Padilla, Leonor Diaz, Marie Yvette Concepcion-Alcazar, Maria Hazelle Preclaro-Ongtengco, Marie Grace Reoperez, Crizel Sicat-De Laza, Eva Haydee Alipustain, Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Fua, Mary Ann Bacolod, Jem Javier, April Perez, Francisco Rosario Jr, Jocelyn Marzan, Junette Fatima Gonzales, Kathrina Lorraine Lucasan, and Dina Ocampo.

Researchers from the University of Oxford, The Promise Foundation, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University Sains Malaysia, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics – Netherlands, University of Toronto-Ontario, Macquarie University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and University of Manchester also presented their research and facilitated discussions that followed each paper presentation.

The TalkTogether team released a public video playlist of the round table discussions through the official website of the project

Presenters, co-chairs and discussants at the TalkTogether Virtual Round Table Event held last June 30 – July 2, 2021. (From top L-R) Dr. Portia Padilla of the College of Education, UP Diliman, Dr. Mary Ann Bacolod of the Department of Linguistics, UP DIliman, Dr. Jocelyn Marzan of the Department of Speech Pathology, UP Manila, Dr. Jelena Mirkovic of York St John University, Dr. Sonali Nag of the University of Oxford, Dr. Dina Ocampo of ERP – UPCIDS and College of Education, UP Diliman, Dr. Shelley Stagg Peterson of the University of Toronto-Ontario, Dr. Rauno Parrila of the Macquarie University, and Dr. Elena Lieven of the University of Manchester.

ASEAN University Startup Bootcamp

Chulalongkorn University and the AUN University Innovation and Enterprise (AUN-UIE) are glad to invite the AUN Member Universities to join an international startup network! ASEAN University Startup Bootcamp.
📣ASEAN University Startup Bootcamp is a project that brings together a group of creative and passionate undergraduates from all over the ASEAN +3 region who are interested in starting startups and aspired to become new-gen entrepreneurs. Through intensive 3 weeks of FREE online training and workshops, participants will have the opportunity to practice and learn all about startup essentials. Mentors and experts are provided here to share experiences and give consultations.

Furthermore, participants may get inspiration and a new point of view from the startup networking activities with ASEAN international students.

🚨Apply now – 27 June 2021 (GMT+7)
🌈 Requirements

  1. Participant must be a current student with a Bachelor degree from ASEAN +3 region
  2. Interest and Intend to be an entrepreneur in startups
    🌈 How to apply
  3. Scan QR code on the poster or fill this form
  4. Self-introduction video (max length 5 mins) must include the contents,
  • personal introduction
  • your strength and weakness
  • why are you applying for this program
    For submission guidelines and more information, please contact
    💫 Facebook: ASEAN University Startup Summer Bootcamp 2021