The College of Education (CEd), the National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED), and the UP Integrated School (UPIS) have identified seven areas which they can address to improve their services and cooperation in the next three years.

In the UPCEd Roadmapping for 2022-2025 held at the First Pacific Leadership Academy on June 21-22, 2022, CEd, NISMED, and UPIS identified these seven priority areas in formulating their projects and programs in the next three years: collaboration, professional development and stakeholders’ wellbeing, resource management, standardization of systems and procedures, networks and linkages, research, and academic program development.

These seven priorotiy areas were identified following a presentation and analysis of the iAADS results which showed the performance of the Division of Curriculum and Instruction (DCI) and the Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services (DELPS) in a number of key indicators.

Aside from the iAADS results, the targets of the different offices and committees also guided the identification of the said priority areas.

Following the workshop, the different offices and committees of the tri-unit were then asked to craft their respective action plans which would detail how they would contribute to the aim of addressing the seven gaps. Some teams presented their action plans based on the discussions in the workshop.

The workshop was facilitated by Dean Jerome T. Buenviaje together with the College Quality Assurance (QA) team led by Dr. Joel C. Javiniar, the College QA officer; Prof. Jon Paul Maligalig, DELPS QA; Prof. Hazel Ramirez, DCI QA.

Dr. Javiniar also explained the rationale of the workshop while the division QA officers presented the iAADs results.

CEd, NISMED, and UPIS offices and standing committees participated and contributed in the said workshop.