The UP CIDS Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research Program, together with the UP College of Education Educational Research and Evaluation Area and Psychometrics Research Laboratory, invites students, teachers, educators, researchers, and practitioners to the COLLOQUIUM SERIES ON COGNITIVE DIAGNOSIS MODELING AND APPLICATIONS.

Speaking in this colloquium series are Dr. Jimmy de la Torre from The University of Hong Kong, Dr. Miguel Sorrel from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, and Dr. Wenchao Ma from the University of Alabama on November 18, 25, and December 2, 2022, respectively.

Registration is free, but no certificates of attendance will be issued. The Zoom registration links can be found below:

Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment and Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling: A Complete Example and Some Recent Developments by Dr. Jimmy de la Torre

November 18, 2022 (Friday, 4-5:30pm)

Register here:

A Critical Review of Available Empirical Applications in Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling by Dr. Miguel Sorrel

November 25, 2022 (Friday, 4-5:30 pm)

Register here:

Cognitive Diagnostic Analysis Using R Shiny App by Dr. Wenchao Ma

December 2, 2022 (Friday, 10:30 am – 12 nn)

Register here:

Should you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kevin Carl P. Santos at See you there!