Health Education classes once again treated the College of Education to an informative and service-full celebration of Health Advocacy, Promotion, and Instruction (HAPI) Days last May 5-8, 2015. This year’s HAPI days featured several activities such as the free health and dental check-up for students and staff. The advocacy component of the activities this year focused on oral health and mercury poisoning, breast self-examination, and depression. Various lectures on the said topics were held at the MITC and Benitez Training Center, with some resource speakers from UP Manila. Students and staff of the College were also treated to healthy sandwiches and the popular taho throughout the week-long celebration. HAPI Days activities are organized annually by Health Education classes under the supervision of Prof. Francis Grace Duka-Pante.

A student reads helpful health information posted during HAPI days 2015

A student reads helpful health information posted during HAPI days 2015

Depression speaker, Dr. Carlo Paolo Castro with Dean Alonzo and Prof. Duka-Pante

Depression speaker, Dr. Carlo Paolo Castro with Dean Alonzo and Prof. Duka-Pante

Combat Stress  through HAPI days

Combat Stress through HAPI days

Speaker explains the importance of dental health to the audience

Speaker explains the importance of dental health to the audience

Speaker explains breast self-exam

Speaker explains breast self-exam

HAPI days lecture on breast self-exam

HAPI days lecture on breast self-exam

Free blood pressure check-up during HAPI days

Free blood pressure check-up during HAPI days

Dr. Castro explains the causes of depression to students

Dr. Castro explains the causes of depression to students