Processing of Change of Program within the College


Undergraduate: GWA of 2.5 or better, Must have earned 30 academic units or more, Letter of intent addressed to the College Secretary endorsed by Program Adviser, True Copy of Grades, Course Checklist (may be downloaded from Note: Student (with student no: 2011 or below) may secure his/her course checklist from Program Adviser. The following are not eligible to apply: Zero passing from previous semester and Students on LOA, AWOL, on MRR status

Graduate: True Copy of Grades, Program of Study (may be downloaded from MA Ed: and PhD: ) and Must have completed at least 9 units (for MA) and 12 units (for PhD) in the original program

Steps (Undergraduate and Graduate level):

  1. Get in touch with current Program Adviser. Inform him/her about your intention to change or shift to another program.
  2. W
  1. Get in touch with current Program Adviser. Inform him/her about your intention to change or shift to another program.
  2. Write a letter addressed to the College Secretary informing the Office of your intent to shift to another program. Write the details (e.g., current program and the program where you intend to transfer; reason for shifting, etc.).
  3. Send/email your letter to the Program Adviser and have him/her sign if s/he is endorsing your shifting to another program.
  4. Send/email your letter to the concerned Division Chair and have him/her sign the letter.
  5. Send/email your letter to the Admitting program and have the authorized person sign his/her conforme indicating that you are being accepted in the program.
  6. Send/email your letter to the concerned Division Chair and have him/her sign the letter.
  7. Send/email your letter to the Office of College Secretary ( with the subject: Change of Program_Surname and Name (e.g., Change of Program_Dela Cruz, Jane).

Also attach the following documents: duly accomplished Change of Program Form (download from and duly accomplished Student Directory (download from