Instructions for authors

Thank you for choosing to submit your manuscript to us. These instructions will ensure that we have everything required, so your manuscript can move through peer review, production, and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible as doing so will ensure that your manuscript matches the journal’s requirements.

Style Guidelines

  1. The PJES publishes papers in English (American variety) and Filipino. 
  2. For the title, use bold Times New Roman font size 12. Capitalize all proper nouns, and do not use a period at the end of the title.
  3. Authors of a manuscript should have contributed substantially to the intellectual content of the paper such as the conception, design, development, analysis, and critical writing.   Once submitted, it will be assumed that all co-authors are accountable for their contributions and have agreed to the final version of the manuscript and to its submission to the PJES.
  4. All headings should use Times New Roman font size 12. Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns.  To distinguish the levels of the headings, the following are the guidelines: 
    • First-level headings (e.g., Introduction, Conclusion) should be written in bold.
    • Second-level headings should be written in bold italics.
    • Third-level headings should be written in italics. 
    • Fourth-level headings should be written in bold italics at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a colon (:).
    • Fifth-level headings should be in italics at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a colon (:).
  5. Times New Roman Font size 12 with double spacing should be used for the abstract, acknowledgements, and main body of the article. 
  6. The abstract should be on the separate page. It should have no more than 200 words. The PJES abstract is structured and should use the following sections/headings:
    • Introduction (Brief conceptual bases, purpose and research aims, significance);
    • Methodology (Design and key methods used);
    • Results (Findings addressing the research aims), and
    • Conclusions.
  7. Keywords help readers locate your article. Supply 5 keywords for your manuscript.
  8. Referencing and citations, and the format of tables and figures should follow the APA 7th edition guidelines.  Use Times New roman font size 12 for these as well.
  9. The layout of the manuscript should be in a single column throughout the document.
  10. Margins for all pages of the manuscript should be at least 2.5 cm. (1 inch).
  11. Content/Text in the footers and headers must be removed except for page numbers.
  12. Tables and figures following the APA 7th edition style guide should be appended at the end of the manuscript after the references.  However, the placement or location of the tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript by writing [INSERT TABLE/FIGURE X HERE].
  13. Explicit permission for third-party content such as photographs, pictures, texts (i.e., stories/poems/songs), videos, and similar materials must be submitted together with the manuscript.
  14. The acknowledgement portion for funders and grant-giving institutions of the research/study should be reported.   The following statement may be used: This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].  Additionally, this is where collaborators who gave permission for third-party content can be acknowledged.
  15. The PJES follows the guidelines articulated in the American Psychological Association 7th Publication Manual for formatting the manuscript, tables, figures, citations, and references of scientific and scholarly publications.   For additional information, you may refer to:

Article Submission

  1. The PJES accepts three types of manuscripts.  The scope and the description for each are found on this link:
  2. A complete submission is comprised of the following:
    • A full manuscript with information about the authors.
    • An anonymized manuscript which has redacted the names of the authors in the title page, text, citations, and references from the document.
    • Compliance with the PJES permissions, ethics and consent guidelines. 
  3. One of the authors of the manuscript must agree to be designated as the corresponding author.  The corresponding author is the person assigned to communicate with the PJES regarding the manuscript status. Here is a link with more information about the role of the corresponding author:
  4. Manuscripts may be submitted using the following link:  All fields of the submission form must be answered unless it is not relevant, for which case the answer should be NA.  The PJES does not accept hard-copy or paper submissions. If assistance is needed to submit a manuscript, authors may send an email to: for assistance or inquiries.