The College offers two four-year bachelor’s degrees: the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd), to prepare students for teaching in the pre-school and elementary school; and the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd), to prepare students for teaching in the secondary school.

Bachelor of Elementary Education

Areas of Concentration:

Art Education
Literacy Education
Mathematics Education
Science and Health Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Early Education, K-3

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in:

Art Education
Biology Education
Chemistry Education
English Language Education
Filipino Language Education
Health Education
Mathematics Education
Physics Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Values Education

Minor in:

Professional Education (for non-Education majors in Bachelor programs with 18 units of electives)
English Language Education
Filipino Language Education
Health Education
Literacy Education
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Social Studies
Special Education

Student Teaching Program

The main feature of the BEEd and the BSEd program is student teaching, a kind of apprenticeship designed to develop professional, social and academic insights and skills as the student teacher participates in the actual operation of the school, in teaching as well as non-teaching activities of the profession. It is so designed that the last semester of the four-year program is devoted entirely to intensive student teaching.